I was in the shower this morning when I remembered I had my very own blog. I kept thinking “Wow, these tech oligarchs sure do have us in a pickle. Owning every platform we use to keep up with friends and family and run our businesses. I wish there were another way!” Then I remembered I had a blog that no one reads. A place where I cannot communicate in a two-way manner with friends and family, and really, probably couldn’t run a business. But that’s ok. Because though I haven’t done a ton of research, I’ve never heard anything bad about whoever owns WordPress. So here’s a guilt free dispatch from me, Jim Tews.
Here’s what’s happened since our last correspondence:
- I went on the road a little.
- I filmed my special (went great, currently editing. Thanks for coming out if you did).
- We elected a bad president.
- Thanksgiving.
- Christmas.
- The Eagles made the playoffs.
- I’ve made a small pile of video content, currently making the rounds on my social media channels.
See you out in the streets.
– Jim