Five cities, three months, one taping.

For the last year and a half I’ve been working as an editor on an animated kids show while performing at night and hitting the road on very occasional weekends. That means I’ll finally have some time to do what I love: travel to another city where I’ll wander aimlessly during the day, perform comedy at night, and wake up in a hotel just in time for the last free continental breakfast banana.
I’ve got new stuff and this time I’m bringing a slideshow. Please don’t leave. It’s just drawings and photos to go along with the jokes. We’re living in a two-screen society and a huge part of my job is to hold your attention, so I’m now giving the audience something to look at besides just me, which is just not enough anymore.
If you’re in one of these cities grab a ticket and bask in the glow of a projector screen and the comforting hum of my voice.
And if you are not in one of these cities, you can still follow me online and maybe I’ll get to your city eventually. Thanks, everyone. Hope to see you out there!
9/19 Bethlehem, PA
SteelStacks Visitors Center
10/10 Fort Collins, CO
The Comedy Fort
10/11-10/12 Denver, CO
Denver Comedy Lounge
11/8 Asheville, NC
Catawba Brewing
11/15 Cleveland
Imposters Theater
Yours in comedy,